
12/06/14 Quick Update

A lot has been happening in the past few days! Last weekend I had to run over to my friend's place and be a bridesmaid for her wedding, I have to write 2 more exams and I've been running around to complete the entire file process for my volunteer position.... So exhausting! My sister is flying in to see me, it's my friend's birthday that same day and of course I leave for volunteering literally 3 days later.
I also have been waiting on my card to arrive in the mail and I really need it at this point!! It's driving me crazy how much I need it....... So many things!!
-Blonde dye job and Keratin treatment for my frizzy hair
-Makeup since I ran out
-Clothes obviously...
I can't keep going because there's so many more things that I can't think of at the top of my head.


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