
Natalie Rolt

So I stumbled across this girl's beautiful clothing while browsing on Instagram and I really wanted to find the designs. Since I can find almost anything in pictures (the amount of gems I have on my The Hunt account reallllly shows that!), I was able to find her from this picture:
Here's the background information about her on her website:
The Story
From a high school textile student to now fashion student and aspiring designer, Natalie has designed, produced and entered her pieces into any competition she is eligible to enter in order to showcase and promote her designs. When Natalie’s textile teacher encouraged her to enter a teenage fashion competition, known as the Australian Apex Teenage Fashion Awards (AATFA) in 2010, it took her and her design to the regional, state and national finals in Sydney. After this incredible experience Natalie had found her love and passion for the industry and has never looked back.
By having a family background of fashion Natalie had learnt everything she knew from her mother and grandmother’s experience within the industry. Wanting to further her studies, in 2011, Natalie went on to enrol in the 3 year Fashion Design & Technology course at the Polytechnic West Campus to further those studies and is now learning and being mentored by experienced lecturers and industry specialists.

Producing collections and one-off pieces whilst studying Natalie decided to created social networking pages for Facebook and Instagram for fans of her pieces to follow and watch her label grow, see her inspirations and to purchase her pieces. After having such a positive response to her pieces Natalie has taken on a monthly market stall at the Fremantle Markets where she produces and sells her designs once a month to meet her growing customer demand and loves every minute of it.
Natalie quotes that she lives, loves and breathes fashion and it is her greatest dream to become successful within the fashion industry but more importantly it is to show and inspire the fashion world her love she has for creating her pieces and the joy it brings to be able to have a career she is so passionate about.
Although she is only young, Natalie is certain this is her path in life and believes she is truly blessed with how far she has come and it can only get better from here!

They are expensive, but I am in Canada so the currency is a little different! I really love the pictures on her Instagram. Also glad I could find the dress the person requested I find for her as I discovered a new designer along the way! Her online boutique isn't that large yet but I'm sure if she was contacted she would do custom orders, who knows?


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